My Aim/Purpose
My Aim/Purpose
My purpose for creating this website is not only to support my MSA but also to encourage anyone anywhere at any time to recycle plastic in a variety of ways.
My purpose for creating this website is not only to support my MSA but also to encourage anyone anywhere at any time to recycle plastic in a variety of ways.

Cherry went to Uljin-gun (province) office for its wildfire damage recovery donation event in April 2022. Cherry donated all of her Eco-Hero award funds (500,000 won) to this matter, as the massive wildfire caused enormous environmental and social damage.
The forest fire that occurred on a hill in Uljin-gun in March 2022 for reasons of unknown cause is the largest forest fire in the history of the Republic of Korea.
Cherry Sung and her family visited Yangyang-gun Office in Gangwon-do and donated 40 million won worth of goods to celebrate the Day of the Disabled on April 20th, 2022. To make this happen, Cherry sent a letter directly to Ottugi and other business partners of the importing company Farmpia to inform them of this donation plan and ask for help.
In the Gangwon-do region, as the population aging and the economic situation contracted by the Coronavirus continues, support from all walks of life for local disabled care facilities has significantly decreased compared to the previous year due to the Coronavirus.
Cherry said, "We have been steadily supporting a welfare institution for the disabled called 'Jeongdaun Village,' but recently, support has been focused on areas affected by forest fires, making the disabled community in Yangyang-gun even more vulnerable. I decided to donate this item after learning about the situation at the nursing home for the disabled.”